新年新气象,我们走过2016年的岁月, 在过去的一年里,华为包装走过艰辛,迎来成长, 完成一年总业绩30%的增长 。距离一亿的目标指日可待。 此处掌声(啪啪啪!!!)
New year ,New performance , we have passed 2016 , in the past year, ClassicPacking go through hardships, Harvest the growth, YES! ,we completed a total annual performance growth of 30%. There is no doubt , The one hundred million target can be expected soon!
2017年 , 我们迎来了崭新的开始。你看, 一大早我们华为的小伙伴已经早早来到公司。不要怀疑,少年郎, 我们是在排队等红包。“恭喜发财,大吉大利” 一声祝福,一声鼓励,每个华为人脸上都挂着灿烂的微笑,迎来我们的开年红包。
In 2017, we face a new beginning. You see, Our Colleague has arrived company so early.
Yes !we are waiting for a red envelope. After a simple blessing "may prosperity be with you, wish you good fortune and every success" , each of us will get a blessing reward from our boss , and we take it with a charming smile on the face .
你羡慕这样豪爽的公司吗? 你期待加入这个快乐温暖的大家庭吗? 华为的大门永远为有识之士打开! 我们正拿着红包,在门口迎接你!!! You envy such a company? Are you looking forward to this happy family? The door of classicpacking will always open for people of insight! We're holding a red envelope to greet you at the door!!!
We want you !!!